Key areas

Sunday - 31/01/2021 20:59

We have identified four priority areas of research: Data Technology and Intelligent Systems, Sustainable Energy and the Environment, Advanced Materials, Health Science and Technology, and developed proposals to attract investment to strengthen research capacity in these majors. The way forward is to encourage interdisciplinary research activities and the application of data science and artificial intelligence in these fields.


The world is going through the industrial revolution 4.0 with features of Big data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud computing and Data Science, Data Sciences and Intelligent Systems. Specifically, Data science is the science of data management and analysis, extracting values from data to find insights, action knowledge, and decisions that lead to action.

Data science consists of three main parts: Creating and administering data, analyzing data, and translating analytics into value for action. The analysis and use of data are based on three sources of knowledge: mathematics (mathematical statistics), information technology (machine learning) and knowledge of a specific application field.

Besides, along with the development of data science is the advent of intelligent systems. Smart system is a set of systems in the field of artificial intelligence, systems with features of connecting, linking and combining data to facilitate monitoring, creating convenience, minimizing risks in production and business as well as serving security and defense requirements. Intelligent systems can be divided into main categories: Knowledge Based Systems (KBS), Computational Intelligence Systems (CIS), Hybrid Systems (HS).

In recent years, there have been many studies in this field being carried out at Hanoi University of Science and Technology by School of Information and Communication Technology, School of Electronic and Telecommunication, School of Electrical Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Transportation Engineering etc.


In the context of natural resources gradually being depleted and the environment being polluted in recent decades, the issue of sustainable development is increasingly concerned. This key principle for sustainability is sustainable development, which encompasses four interconnected areas: ecology, economy, political and culture. In the science of sustainable energy, the development of new energy systems includes renewable energy sources such as hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, wave energy, and bioenergy energy. Technology, tidal energy and also technologies designed to improve energy efficiency. Along with the application and development of new energy systems, environmental indicators are also in need of attention such as criteria on greenhouse gas emissions, impacts on biodiversity and production. waste and toxic emissions. The harmonious combination of these two fields will contribute to the sustainable development of society and meet the needs of future generations.

Research topics in the field of energy and sustainable environment have been interested in implementing at various School in Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Typically, there are School of Environmental Science and Technology, School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, School of Chemical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, etc, with many different topics.


Together with the industrial revolution 4.0, the field of new materials is also being developed day by day. New materials are modern, compact materials, capable of working and meeting many different needs in the fields of production, technology, and environmental friendliness. In recent years, there have been many different research trends on new materials, which can be mentioned: designing and manufacturing materials with similar structure and properties to biological entities in nature, manufacturing eco-friendly polymer composite materials with biodegradability, nanomaterials, fast prototyping materials, self-healing materials, etc.

Research and training institutes of Hanoi University of Science and Technology have conducted many researches to develop new materials with high performance and environment-friendly application in various fields. These include strong research institutes such as: International Training Institute for Materials Science (ITIMS), Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (AIST), School of Engineer Physics, National key laboratory for Polymer composite material, School of Material Science and Technology, etc.


In a modern and developing society today, the care to human health is increasingly concerned and paid attention. Along with the strong development in science and technology over the past years, especially in the fields of information technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology and automation, the application of the achievements of public science and technology into the healthcare field is absolutely meaningful. The achievements in science and technology help to reach the lesion point quickly and accurately to improve the accuracy in diagnosis and treatment. Achievements in science and technology in rapid testing and early testing also help shorten treatment time, improve the success rate in timely medical examination and treatment.

Studies in this field are also being increasingly promoted in training and research institutes of Hanoi University of Science and Technology such as: School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, School of Electronics and Telecommunications, School of Chemical Engineering, etc.

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